Miami, FL (September 18, 2021) – Blue Scholars Initiative, the Miami-based marine science education organization, invites Miami citizens and visitors to participate in the Ocean Conservancy’s 36th Annual International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 18, 2021 (World Water Monitoring Day).The cleanup and celebration is sponsored by Coastal Waste & Recycling.
The day’s activities will take place from 8 am to 3 pm at the Miami Yacht Club, located at 1001 Macarthur Causeway on Miami’s Watson Island. From 9 am to 12 noon, Miami volunteers will join in the local effort along the shores of Watson Island as other volunteers around the world participate in the cleanup effort to remove debris and conduct citizen science to benefit the world’s oceans and waterways. An afternoon of fellowship, refreshments and music will follow the cleanup.
In partnership with Miami Yacht Club, Jungle Island and the City of Miami, Blue Scholars will lead 75 volunteers both from land and water (by paddle craft) along the shores of Watson Island to remove debris, conduct citizen science and raise awareness to help #SaveBiscayneBay. For specific details about how to volunteer and participate, please visit
"Blue Scholars Initiative is doing great work for Biscayne Bay. I look forward to supporting them at their action-packed International Coastal Cleanup and Celebration," said Irela Bagué, Chief Bay Officer for Miami Dade County.
What: 36th Annual International Coastal Cleanup
When: Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 8 am to 3 pm
Where: Miami Yacht Club, 1001 Macarthur Causeway on Miami’s Watson Island
Further Details:
Kicking things off at 8 am, Blue Scholars Co-Director Meredith Bass will lead interested volunteers in a waterfront yoga session to start the day. At 9 am, ALL registered volunteers will receive cleanup supplies (buckets/gloves), instructions and safety guidelines from the Blue Scholars team. The cleanup and sort will run from 9 – 11 am, while the data count, discussion, weigh-in and group photo will follow from 11 am – 12 pm. In addition, partner organizations, Planet Patrol, Surfrider Miami and EarthEcho International, will conduct arts & crafts and water quality testing to further engage and educate participants of all ages from 1 am – 1 pm.
At 12 noon, the celebration begins with Miami Yacht Club, Biscayne Bay Brewing, Publix and Hungry Harvest providing a waterfront lunch for participating volunteers, while Miami’s musical talents, DeBlois Milledge and Joe Contillo, fill the air with their Soul-Folk tunes. Cleanup volunteers will be invited to sit back, relax and lounge with us until 3 pm when the sea breeze will fill our sails and whisk us away.
About Blue Scholars Initiative:
Blue Scholars Initiative is a Miami, Florida-based registered 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to engage, educate and empower public school fourth-graders through hands-on and virtual marine science education, with a focus on Miami’s iconic Biscayne Bay. In the classroom, along the shoreline and from boats, students investigate the rich biodiversity of the ocean, conduct citizen science, and develop a passion for the environment, thus inspiring the next generation of ocean stewards.
For more information, please visit www.BlueScholars.Org.