The SoundWaters Research Intensive (SRI) program youth lead project summaries.
In celebration of World Water Day, EarthEcho’s Water Challenge Ambassadors in Mexico led a series of impactful events and activities.
U.S. Water Challenge Ambassadors World Water Day and Earth Day Event Summary.
Thanks to our partners in Puerto Rico and the local community for their continuous efforts to protect their estuaries.
Blog post highlighting the value Xylem volunteers can bring to Water Challenge Ambassador cohorts.
On September 21, 2022 EarthEcho International partners hosted a water monitoring event at Bijou Alternative School
Gisela López Béjar water monitoring experience through the EarthEcho Water Challenge program.
EarthEcho youth leaders engage Bay Area Science Festival participants in the EarthEcho Water Challenge.
EarthEcho is expanding in-depth water monitoring and conservation programs in Catalonia.
Highlights from World Water Monitoring Day events hosted across the United States by EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors!
Thank you to our partner, Louisa County Conservation for taking action beyond water monitoring and reporting their water quality data.
Join EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador’s Beach Cleanup on Sunday September 12th from 9am – 11am at Hollywood Beach, FL.
In celebration of World Water Monitoring Day on September 18, 2021, EarthEcho International is partnering with Xylem Watermark.
Blue Scholars Initiative, invites you to participate in the Ocean Conservancy’s 36th Annual International Coastal Cleanup.
You are invited to join millions of people across the globe in sampling your local waters on World Water Monitoring Day!
Surfrider Foundation Club at San Pedro High School takes action for their local waterways!
March 22 is the United Nations World Water Day, be part of a global movement to protect critical water resources.
March 22nd is World Water Day, and this year EarthEcho celebrated virtually through a week-long series of events and reached 8018 people!
EEWC Ambassador Maya Weikert highlights water quality challenges facing the Chesapeake Bay and the importance of protecting this watershed.
EEWC Ambassador Emma Bolton shares the importance of reducing waste and cleaning up local watersheds.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors celebrate World Water Monitoring Day with impactful series of community education events!
EarthEcho and Ocean Conservancy team up to take action for World Water Monitoring Day with the International Coastal Cleanup.
Make plans to celebrate World Water Day and kick off the EarthEcho Water Challenge in your Community!
Water Challenge partner, the National Aquarium, inspires Baltimore students to investigate water quality and life in the Inner Harbor.
Learn how to make a custom Macroinvertebrate ID guide with help from Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure's Donny Roush.
Queen of Peace School students highlight their efforts to raise and release Chinook salmon and their work on the EarthEcho Water Challenge.
Take a look back at the impact of the 2019 EarthEcho Water Challenge!
Share your 2019 water quality data through the EarthEcho Water Challenge database!
Xylem Watermark volunteers engage Army STEM Careers Fair participants in the EarthEcho Water Challenge.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Olivia Pickens shares her experiences monitoring water quality in Washington D.C.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador's take action to educate their communities on the value of water for World Water Monitoring Day.
EarthEcho International joins partners to celebrate World Water Monitoring Day in Renton, WA!
Our EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors are making plans to celebrate World Water Monitoring Day across the country!
Join EarthEcho International and Xylem Watermark to celebrate World Water Monitoring Day in your community on September 18!
2019 EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Chloe Wetzler shares her experience attending the EarthEcho Youth Leadership Summit.
Make a plan to celebrate World Water Monitoring Day in your community on September 18!
EarthEcho International is uniting young environmental leaders from around the world this week for it's annual Youth Leadership Summit.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Mykaela Barnes shares her work monitoring local stream quality and fish habitat.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Nicolas Lama highlights the importance of improving water health by protecting mangrove ecosystems.
EarthEcho International and Baxter International Inc. teamed up to lead the EarthEcho Water Challenge for Baxter World Environment Week!
We've partnered with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation to activate students in the Bahamas and Jamaica to #MonitorWater!
Sullins Academy students share their work to address the global water crisis and United Nations SDG 6 with the EarthEcho Water Challenge!
Highlights from Media-Providence Friends School's work on the EarthEcho Water Challenge and water focused STEAM week!
The Environmental Science Center's Salmon Heroes program empowers students to protect water quality in Washington State.
Dr. Khristin Landry-Montes shares highlights from InHerit's work to engage Mayan youth in water monitoring in the Yucatan.
Highlights from the water monitoring and education work led by the Green Vigil Foundation in India in honor of World Water Day 2019.
Highlights from the work of Girl Scout Troop 50943 to monitor and protect the local waterways of Stamford, CT.
David Coello leads water quality monitoring efforts in the Ecuador's Parque Ecológico Recreativo Lago Agrio on World Water Day.
Our partners at the San Juan Bay Estuary Program will host Puerto Rico Water Quality Monitoring Day on Saturday, March 30!
Data released from 2018 Drinkable Rivers Citizen Science water quality monitoring along the River Meuse!
The 2019 EarthEcho Water Challenge kicked off with events in Houston, TX and around the world!
Highlights from the Citizen Science Festival at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
On March 22, the United Nations World Water Day, EarthEcho International invites you to become part of the EarthEcho Water Challenge!
Young conservation leaders ages 14-22 are invited to apply to become a 2019 EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador!
Kick off the 2019 EarthEcho Water Challenge by taking action to monitor and protect water resources!
Highlights from the Milwaukee Riverkeeper's water quality monitoring and education programs featuring the EarthEcho Water Cahllenge.
Students from the Cross-border Water Inspectors program work to monitor water quality in Belarus and Ukraine.
In 2018, over 22,200 EarthEcho Water Challenge participants took action to protect water resources in their communities.
Highlights from the Florida Aquarium's Water Investigations Program and work on the EarthEcho Water Challenge.
Highlights from the Students for Salmon Program led by EarthEcho Water Challenge partner, the Nooksack Salmon Enhangement Association.
As we wrap up another water quality monitoring season, remember to share your EarthEcho Water Challenge data and stories!
Highlights from the work of our EarthEcho Water Challenge test kit donation recipients at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California.
Since 2012, the Green Vigil Foundation has monitored and advocated for the protection of local lakes and waterbodies in India.
EEWC Ambassador Jack Kincus shares the impact of human activities on the Indian River Lagoon and the importance of its preservation.
Highlights from our time celebrating outstanding Xylem Watermark volunteers while exploring the water environments of south Florida.
Students monitor the water quality of the Maritsa River.
Learn more about our collaboration and partnership with Tinker's Creek Watershed Partners to support their wateryway conservation efforts.
Living Lands and Waters' Meghan Elgan shares highlights from their work and upcoming plans to monitor and cleanup the Mississippi River.
Highlights from our World Water Monitoring Day event with Friends of the Chicago River.
Philippe Cousteau's EarthEcho International invites you to take action for clean water in your community on World Water Monitoring Day.
Our 2018 EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors prepare to take action across the U.S. to celebrate World Water Monitoring Day!
California 8th grader, Naomi Scott, works with local preschool students to teach them about the importance of water conservation.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Domingo Cortinez reflects on his experiences monitoring water quality in Biscayne Bay.
We're counting down to World Water Monitoring Day on September 18 and our featured event with Friends of the Chicago River!
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Katie Croom highlights the water quality impacts of algae blooms in Florida's Indian River Lagoon.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Armon Alex reflects on his time in Washington D.C. at our Youth Leadership Summit and Training.
Highlights from the water quality monitoring work led by the America Nepal Society and Prince William County Soil and Water District.
Austin Dunlow highlights efforts to reduce waste at NC State University.
EEWC Ambassador Veronica Cunitz highlights the importance of conserving freshwater based on her experiences living on the island of Oahu.
Xylem Watermark volunteer Silvia Festival shares highlights from the work of the Xylem Montecchio to engage young water stewards in Italy.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Kyra Stillwagon highlights her experiences addressing plastic pollution on the Georgia coast.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Maria Torres highlights her work monitoring water quality off the coast of south Florida.
EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador, Dyson Chee, highlights his work monitoring water quality and the importance of citizen science.
Local volunteers cleanup the Berong Bay for World Oceans Day 2018.
Water monitoring and education program highlights from EarthEcho Water Challenge Ocean Protection Advocacy Kids, Inc.!
The 10th annual Puerto Rico Water Quality Monitoring Day united over 1,000 volunteers to monitor and protect water resources on April 14.
The EarthEcho Water Challenge has partnered with Drinkable Rivers and Li An Phoa for her 1000km walk focused on water quality and education.
Students at Mintie White Elementary School took action to monitor and cleanup their local wetlands in Watsonville, CA.
Sandia Mountain Natural History Center leads local elementary students through water monitoring and ecology education programs.
EarthEcho's partnership with Mystic Aquarium's STEM Mentoring program empowered Boys & Girls Club members in Philadelphia to take action.
Ohio Girl Scouts work to monitor and clean up local water ways as part of their Wonders of Water Journey.
On World Water Day, March 22, EarthEcho International and our partners kicked off the 17th season of the EarthEcho Water Challenge!
EarthEcho International is proud to announce the selection of the inaugural class of EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors!
Join us as we launch the 17th season of the EarthEcho Water Challenge on World Water Day March 22!
Xylem volunteer Cheri Hinton reflects on her experiences engaging young leaders in the EarthEcho Water Challenge.
Plan to take action for the 2018 EarthEcho Water Challenge Kick-off on World Water Day, March 22!
EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council member Delaney Reynolds highlights the opportunity to become an EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador
Calling young conservation leaders! Applications are now open for the inaugural class of EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassadors.
Florida Keys High School Students work with Mote Marine Laboratory to monitor water quality and protect coral reefs.
Students and staff from Sandia Mountain Natural History Center investigate and monitor water quality in New Mexico State Parks.
Whigham Elementary School students take action to monitor water quality and prepare for their World Wetland's Day Cleanup in south Florida.